Thursday, April 12, 2012


[:1]pm me offers|||Dude give it up.|||don't matter how many thread you start, you're still not legit.|||Your such a noob also becky will be getting a decent amount of calls from the Seattle area "craigslist classifieds" & i registered her for tons of 1 time offers online it's quite amazing what u can do with a phone # "reverse look-up on whitepages" scamming POS enjoy!!!|||

Your such a noob also becky will be getting a decent amount of calls from the Seattle area "craigslist classifieds" & i registered her for tons of 1 time offers online it's quite amazing what u can do with a phone # "reverse look-up on whitepages" scamming POS enjoy!!!

LMAO |||if im such a scammer why did heatvikings trade me clady, aso, roddy 2.0, elite ap, elite willis, and andre johnson for insert mega and he went first|||YOUR LYING TO YOURSELF. YOU, ME AND EVERYBODY ELSE APPARENTLY KNOW THAT YOUR A SCAMMER....HOW'D YOU MAKE OUT ON MY ASO DOUCHE???|||

if im such a scammer why did heatvikings trade me clady, aso, roddy 2.0, elite ap, elite willis, and andre johnson for insert mega and he went first

and u still owe him 460k LMAO. bro giv them their cards back ... ur never sellin or tradin on here again til that happens

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